• Developers


    You can contribute to improvement code of our mobile applications and our code history section.

    Essential Criteria

    1. Github account
    2. Apache cordova
    3. AngularJS

    Desirable Criteria

    1. HTML5
    2. CSS3
    3. {"Joel test score"=>12}

    Closing Date

    Dec 31, 2031 Apply by Email
  • Graphic designers


    You can contribute to create logo, images and design of pandle websites.

    Essential Criteria

    1. Github account
    2. The logo will be our chameleon
    3. The design of pandle websites will be develop on Jekyll themes

    Desirable Criteria

    1. HTML5
    2. CSS3
    3. {"Joel test score"=>12}

    Closing Date

    Dec 31, 2031 Apply by Email
  • Animators


    You can contribute to create animated gif or small video of our chameleon for education.

    Essential Criteria

    1. Github account

    Desirable Criteria

    1. {"Joel test score"=>12}

    Closing Date

    Dec 31, 2031 Apply by Email